Summary of European Accessibility Act

The European Accessibility Act (EAA), formally known as Directive (EU) 2019/882, aims to enhance the accessibility of products and services across the European Union (EU) to create a more inclusive society and ensure equal participation for all individuals, including those with disabilities and functional limitations. Here is an overview based on the document:

Purpose and Scope

The primary objective of the EAA is to harmonize the accessibility requirements for certain products and services within the EU, reducing barriers caused by divergent national regulations and improving the availability and accessibility of these products and services across the internal market​​.

Key Accessibility Requirements

The EAA sets forth specific accessibility requirements for a variety of products and services. These include:

  • Products: Computers, operating systems, ATMs, ticketing and check-in machines, telephones, and smartphones.
  • Services: Electronic communications, audio-visual media services, air, bus, rail, and waterborne passenger transport, banking services, e-books, and e-commerce​​.

Functional Performance Criteria

The Directive includes functional performance criteria to ensure that products and services are accessible to all users, including those with varying types of disabilities. These criteria focus on providing information and functionality that can be used with assistive technologies​​.

Obligations for Economic Operators

The EAA places specific obligations on manufacturers, importers, and distributors to ensure compliance with accessibility requirements:

  • Manufacturers must ensure their products meet the accessibility criteria and conduct conformity assessments.
  • Importers and Distributors must verify that products comply with the EAA's requirements before placing them on the market​​.

Conformity Assessment and CE Marking

Products that comply with the EAA's accessibility requirements must undergo conformity assessments and be marked with the CE marking, indicating compliance with EU standards. This process involves detailed documentation and technical assessments to ensure products meet the necessary criteria​​.

Exemptions and Derogations

The Directive allows for certain exemptions, particularly for microenterprises and situations where meeting the accessibility requirements would impose a disproportionate burden. These exemptions aim to balance accessibility goals with the practical capabilities of smaller businesses​​.

Implementation and Enforcement

Member States are required to implement the EAA into national law by June 28, 2025, with some provisions extending to June 28, 2030. The Directive includes provisions for market surveillance and enforcement to ensure compliance and handle complaints related to accessibility​​.

Reporting and Review

The European Commission will periodically review and report on the application of the EAA to assess its impact and effectiveness, considering technological and societal developments. The first report is due by June 28, 2030, with subsequent reports every five years​​.

The EAA represents a significant step towards a more accessible Europe, aiming to remove barriers and provide equal access to products and services for all individuals, particularly those with disabilities​​.

* Note this summary was generated by a custom ChatGPT created using the full text PDF of the DIRECTIVE (EU) 2019/882 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 17 April 2019 on the accessibility requirements for products and services.